Cnoc an Chonnaidh, Muineachán, H18 W897

+353 (0) 47 72344

Prefects 2024-25

  • Ellen Ní Bheagáin (Head Girl)

  • Ruadhán Ó Dufaigh (Head Boy)

  • Aibhinn Nic Gabhann

  • Briana Nic Gormáin

  • Bronagh Ní Chiarnáin

  • Ella Ní Thréinfhir 

  • Ellie Ní Mhathúna

  • Emily Nic Fhionnachtaigh

  • Isabelle de Búrca

  • Kerrie Ní Leannáin,

  • Leo Ó Comhaltán

  • Muireann Ní Fhearchair

  • Shay Ó Luain


Towards the end of Transition Year students are invited to apply to become a prefect in Coláiste Oiriall. An application is made in the form a letter to the Principal. The letter will address the following questions:

  • Why do you think you are suitable to becoming a prefect?
  • What talents do you have?
  • What have you achieved to date?
  • What are the responsibilities you think will accompany this post?
  • Are you prepared to adhere to the school ethos, rules and regulations?
  • Will you abide by the rule in relation to speaking Irish?
  • Will you be an ambassador for Coláiste Oiriall?

The typed application letters must be with the Principal by the agreed deadline.  The post will last for one school year (Fifth Year). A Teachers’ Committee which will include the Principal and the Vice-Principal will meet, to consider the applications.  As part of the selection and assessment process the Committee will take into consideration the candidates’ application letters, their participation in school activities to date and their behaviour record. The Committee seek to ensure a certain amount of gender equality in the selection.  Each year, at least twelve students are chosen. The Teachers’ Committee seeks the opinions of all teachers and subsequently selects a Head Boy and Head Girl from the cohort of 5th Year prefects. They perform mainly an honorary role during 6th Year. The Head Prefects represent the student body at any official events that may arise.


Each applicant must be prepared to partake in a full day’s training i before being considered for appointment. If a prefect-in-training feels that the responsibilities of the position are too onerous they may withdraw at the end of the training. The newly appointed prefects will be announced and will be presented with their badges at the first School Assembly of the new school year. The school authorities may at any time debadge a prefect because of unsatisfactory behaviour. On appointment prefects will sign a declaration that they will endeavour to carry out every aspect of their duties conscientiously and that they will adhere to all school rules and regulations. Exemplary Behaviour We recognise and acknowledge the individual personalities of each prefect and encourage each one to fully utilise their own personalities, talents and traits to nurture a more positive atmosphere within the school and to help create a stronger relationship and connection between the various parties involved. It is expected that prefects will give a good example around the school as regards school rules, behaviour, punctuality and school uniform.  They are also expected to stay out of mischief, steer clear of trouble and make friends with everyone around them.  Take your school seriously – both in academic terms and in the various extra-curricular activities in which you take part.

Appropriate Behaviour

  1. Your behaviour is of utmost importance.  You are a prefect and as such your good example will be very much noticed by other pupils.
  2. Do not make a favourite pupil out of anyone.
  3. Do not put your hand on another student.
  4. Do not speak in English to other students at any time.
  5. Don’t talk ill of the school or gossip about any teachers.
  6. Be careful about issues surrounding religion or racism.
  7. Don’t speak ill of or belittle other students.
  8. Never use bad language nor joke in an inappropriate or rude way.
  9. Don’t criticise other students.
  10. Don’t let this new power and authority go to your head or change your personality.
  11. You’ll enjoy the respect other students will show you.
  12. Don’t become involved in any type of inappropriate relationship with any student in the first year.
  13. You may correct other students but never be rough, rude or forceful with them.
  14. Never say anything obscene, offensive or insulting to another student.
  15. If there is any student who is disrupting any school activity on a continuous basis, never be afraid to recount this to the Principal.
  16. Be positive about speaking Irish.
  17. Never be bitter or acrimonious with anyone.

Prefects’ Duties

  • Opening the Lost Property Room at the appointed times
  • Opening students’ lockers each morning with the master-key and writing down the names of those students whose lockers you have had to open
  • Helping to organise the Halloween Party and the Christmas Fun Day
  • Helping to organise the St. Patrick’s Concert.
  • Distributing pool cues and balls and collecting them again
  • Helping to run the Open Day and the Open Night
  • Helping with the Books Rental Scheme
  • Helping out at the Prize-Giving Ceremony
  • Helping out at the 6th Year Moving On Ceremony
  • Welcoming visitors to the school and showing them around
  • Keeping a record of parents’ attendance at parent meetings
  • Helping to keep the school environment free of rubbish
  • Giving short talks from time to time (Head Boy/Head Girl)
  • Attending funerals as a member of the school guard of honour
  • Helping to implement the spoken Irish Rule
  • Informing the school of any type of vandalism that you may notice
  • Informing the school of any incidents of bullying of any kind which you may notice or of which you may be made aware
  • Remaining alert on school buses coming into school and returning home

The Characteristics of a Prefect

As a prefect you must provide guidance, make decisions, bring students together, disseminate information and distribute or delegate work.  A prefect strongly influences other students, encouraging them to work in cooperation with each other and bringing them together as part of the school community.  The effective prefect will encourage other prefects to do work of a better standard and deliver better results. Prefects who are motivated are more loyal and committed to the school’s aims and they will work to a higher level. The following characterise an effective prefect: positive, fair, helpful, conscientious, cheerful, diligent, attentive, gaelach and energetic.

Bear in Mind

  • Mix often with other students
  • Be wary of the health and safety of all the students
  • Uphold the rights of all students
  • Encourage students to speak Irish
  • Be in the right place at the right time

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Cnoc an Chonnaidh, Muineachán, H18 W897  +353-(0) 47 72344