iarscoláirí Oiriall. Coláiste Oiriall is delighted to congratulate our past students who have received a plethora of bursaries and scholarships in their respective third level colleges during the first semester of 2021-22.
Fuair Liam Ó Faoláin, scoláireacht Theach na Gaeilge i gColáiste na Tríonóide, Aaron agus Emma Ní Mhiacháin Teach na Gaeilge in UCD, Mia Ní Raghallaigh agus Hugh MacDomhnaill scoláireachtaí do luthchleasaí sármhaithe in Ollscoil Uladh, fuair Faolán Ó Cathmhaoil sparánacht mhór in Ollscoil sa Rúis agus fuair Ellen Nig Fhloinn scoláireacht Ad Astra in UCD.
Faolán Ó Cathhmhaoil has received a substantial bursary in the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow University and is undertaking a double degree programme in Economics The programme is supported academically by the London School of Economics and Political Science. Faolán received 100% reduction in course fees as a result of having won the bronze medal at the International Economics Olympiad last year.
Thosaigh Faolán ar an chúrsa sa Higher School of Economics (HSE) i Moscó, agus tá sé mar cheann de na hollscoileanna is fearr sa Rúis de réir na rangaithe idirnáisiúnta. Cuirtear an cúrsa ar fáil i gcuideachta Ollscoil Londain agus faigheann na dáltaí dhá chéim, ceann amháin ó HSE agus ceann eile ó Ollscoil Londain.
Liam Ó Faoláin received a Teach na Gaeilge scholarship in Trinity College and he is currently studying Law.
Mia Ní Raghallaigh agus Hugh Mac Domhnaill have both been awarded Talented Athlete Scholarships in the University of Ulster. Both students are studying physiotherapy.
Ellen Nig Fhloinn has been awarded a prestigious UCD Ad Astra scholarship. She is now studying veterinary in UCD. The scholarship is worth €3,000 annually to Ellen.
Six former Coláiste Oiriall students in total were acknowledged with Entrance Scholars’ Awards in UCD in the autumn of 2021. The following are the Academic High Achievers: Dearbhla Ní Ghallchóir, who is studying Medicine, Ellen Nig Fhloinn, who is studying Veterinary, Kayla Nic Cearáin, who is studying Science, Helen Nic Criostail who is studying Business and Law and Emma Ní Mhiacháin who is studying Law and Civil Rights. A sixth former student, Aaron Ó Gamhna who is studying Science, received a Teach na Gaeilge scholarship courtesy of Gaeltacht UCD, Ionad Domhanda don Teanga agus don Chultúr (Gaeltacht UCD, World Centre for Language and Culture) as did Emma Ní Mhiacháin. Kayla Nic Cearáin also received a Cothrom na Féinne scholarship. Three of the students received their primary education in Gaelscoil Ultain while the remaining three received their primary education in Scoil Rois, Gaelscoil Eois and Scoil Mhuire, Rockcorry.
The Academic High Achievers Awards are part of a range of UCD initiatives put in place to recognise exceptional students when they join. UCD Entrance Scholars are first year students who have achieved 560 points or more in their Leaving Certificate. The Bord na Gaeilge scholarships cater for Irish speaking students from all faculties and offers accommodation in a dedicated Teach na Gaeilge at a considerably reduced rent.