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Searmanas Bhronnadh na nDuaiseanna 2012

Rinneadh cuid mhór duaiseanna a bhronnadh ag searmanas a bhí in Ostán an Hillgrove le gairid agus ba mhaith le Coláiste Oiriall comhghairdeas a dhéanamh le gach duine a fuair bonn nó teastas nó corn ag an ocáid.
Congratulations to the class of 2012

Coláiste Oiriall wishes to congratulate all the outgoing Leaving Certificate students who attained excellent results as published last month. They are very pleased with their third level offers – many who received their first choices. We wish them the best of luck in their third level studies.
Fearadh na fáilte roimh dhaltaí nua na chéad bhliana

The new First Year pupils started their second level education in Coláiste Oiriall on Monday and completed two days of induction. The induction was spearheaded by an Múinteoir Orla Ní Riada, Year Head, an Múinteoir Bríd Ní Bhraoin, Oide Ranga, Rang Nioclas agus an Múinteoir Laura Nic Amhlaoibh, Oide Ranga, Rang Noirín.
Coláiste Oiriall Geography Field Study in Derrygonnelly

Leaving Certificate Geography students from Coláiste Oiriall travelled to Derrygonnelly in the West Fermanagh countryside last week to undertake their L.C. Geography Investigation, which accounts for 20% of the entire examination paper. Fieldwork lies as the heart of geography. It has the capacity to develop skills and knowledge and to bring geographical concepts to life.
Daltaí Choláiste Oiriall i mbun eachtraíochta sa Mhuileann gCearr

Tá baicle macléinn 5ú bliana ó Choláiste Oiriall i ndiaidh pilleadh ó Ionad Eachtraíochta Lilliput, am Muilleann gCearr, áit ar chaith siad dhá oíche agus trí lá ag comhlíonadh an gné eachtraíochta den ghradam airgid de Ghaisce. Ghlac siad páirt i réimse leathan imeachtaí mar churachóireacht, ailleadóireacht agus fánaíocht agus ar ndóighe bhain siad sult agus spraoi as.
Iontaisí Newgrange le feiceáil ag daltaí Idirbhliana Choláiste Oiriall

Chaith tríocha trí dalta na hIdirbhliana i gColáiste Oiriall lá pleisiúrtha agus grianmhar i Newgrange an tseachtain seo chuaigh thart, áit a chonaic siad iontaisí ag dul siar go dtí 3000 bliain Roimh Chríost. Tá cuaairt ar Newgrange fite fuaite le Stair agus le hEalaín agus is iontach an áis í ar leic an dorais. Is turas bliantúil é do dhaltaí Idirbhliana Choláiste Oiriall.
Silver Medal for Coláiste Oiriall’s Jessica Ní Dhruacháin in Ulster Schools’ Pentathlon

Jessica Ni Dhruachain, a Leaving Certificate student in Coláiste Oiriall, clinched second place in the pentathlon at the Ulster Schools Combined Events in Bangor, County Down last weekend. Over the course of the day she competed in a variety of events: 100m Hurdles, the high jump, shot putt, long jump and the final track event of 800m.
Coláiste Oiriall chun tosaigh i ndíospóireacht Gael-Linn

Congratulations to Charlotte Ní Agáin, Brianán Ní Bhuachalla and Bronagh Ní Ruanaí, representing Coláiste Oiriall, who won through to the next round of the Comortas Uí Chadhain Gael Linn Debating Contest in an exciting contest in Coláiste Pobail Rath Cairn in the Meath Gaeltacht on Tuesday evening.
Five Coláiste Oiriall students reach Poetry Aloud All-Ireland Semi-finals

Five Coláiste Oiriall students have successfully reached the Poetry Aloud All-Ireland semi-finals which will be held in the National Library of Ireland in Kildare Street, Dublin on the 22nd and 23rd November.
Coisir na Samhna i gColáiste Oiriall

D’fhreastail daltaí uilig na chéad bhliana ar choisir speisialta na Samhna tráthnóna Aoine lá an laethanta saoire. Bhí siad uilig gléasta suas go foirsteanach le haghaidh na hocáide. Rinne na daltaí cúpla damhsa faoi stiúr an Mhúinteora Olivia agus cheoil siad cúpla amhrán faoi stiúr an Mhúinteora Nuala.
Sporting Success in Coláiste Oiriall

The Coláiste Oiriall girls under 16 and under 19 basketball teams opened their season with home games against Castleblayney Community College. The under 16’s had a convincing win with Amy Ni hAmaill in fine scoring form.
Transition Year to date in Coláiste Oiriall

Transition Year students in a diverse range of employment placements this week as the first of their two placements. They will spend a further week in a second placement immediately after the February mid-term break. The placements as well as the earlier trip to Newgrange were organised by TY Co-ordinator, Múinteoir Faela.
Former Coláiste Oiriall Student receives two major academic accolades

Déanann Coláiste Oiriall comhghairdeas ó chroí le Máire Nic Thaidhg, iardhalta dár gcuid, a fuair dhá ghadam iomráiteach acadúil an tseachtain seo chuaigh thart, ceann ó Choláiste na hOllscoile Chorcaí agus an ceann eile ó Ollscoil Náisiúnta na hÉireann. Tá Máire faoi láthair ag tabhairt faoi Oideachas Eolaíochta i Maigh Nuad.
Comhairle na nDaltaí nua tofa i gColáiste Oiriall

An election took place for members of the new Student Council in Coláiste Oiriall recently. The Council is representative of all class groups in all year groups with the exception of 1st Years. The Council discuss issues important to the student population, articulate their views to management and help out at various events within the school.
Coláiste Oiriall sa Cheolarás Náisiúnta

The sixth year students from Coláiste Oiriall, accompanied by their teacher, an Múinteoir Nuala, attended a concert of the Leaving Certificate set works in the National Concert Hall on Monday last. The Bach Cantata BWV 78 and ‘Piano Quartet No. 1’ by the Irish composer, Gerald Barry were performed by some of Ireland’s leading classical musicians, including the St. Cecilia Orchestra and The Palestrina Boys Choir conducted by Blánaid Murphy.
Coláiste Oiriall 1st Year student reaches Poetry Aloud All-Ireland Final

Many congratulations to Danny Ó Treasaigh, a first year student in Coláiste Oiriall, who booked his place in the all-Ireland final of the Poetry Aloud competition after successfully competing in the junior section of the poetry semi-final competition last Friday in Dublin.
Bailíonn daltaí Choláiste Oiriall €2,400 do READaTHON

Students in Coláiste Oiriall recently collected €2,400 for Readathon. The collection was spearheaded by English teachers, Múinteoir Laura and Múinteoir Gráinne. The following students colleced €100 or more: Caoimhe Ní Mhathúna, Breanna Nic Philib, Daniel Ó Tuathail, Rhea Nic Luain, Aoibheann Ní Ghabhann, Seamus Mac Giolla Bháin, Clodagh Ní Lionaird, Michaela Ní Dhonngahile, Aimee Ní Bhraonáin agus Orán Ó Searraigh.
Coláiste Oiriall will again have a strong representation in the Young Scientist Competition

Tá ceithre ghrúpa dalta le cuidiú beirt mhúinteoir Eolaíochta sa scoil ag déanamh réidh do chomórtas bliantúil Eolaí Óg a bheas ar siúl mar is gnáth luath i mí Eanáir caol d’ireach nuair a fhilleann daltaí ar an scoil i ndiaidh laethanta saoire na Nollag. Tá siad in aoisghrúpaí difriúla agus rannóga difriúla.
Coláiste Oiriall Art Students visit the Sean Keating exhibition in the RHA

Senior Art students from Coláiste Oiriall visited the Royal Hibernian Academy in Ely Place to view the Sean Keating exhibition based on the building of the ESB hydroelectric station in Co. Limerick in the early years of the new Free State. They later visited the National Museum of Ireland where they viewed artefacts from the Stone Age to the early Christian era.
Amy Ní hAmaill clinches bronze medal at Cross Country Championships

In the Woodies DIY Athletics Association of Ireland National Novice and Uneven Age Cross Country Championships last Sunday in Adamstown in central Wexford, Amy Ní hAmaill, a third year student in Coláiste Oiriall, was placed eleventh in the under 15 Girls, where the athletes were required to run a distance of 4,000m and won a bronze medal.