Coláiste Oiriall has launched its first Spelling Bee which will take place in the Garage Theatre on Monday, 31st March at 1.30 pm. Five teams of three spellers on each team, drawn from the 1st Year, 2nd Year and 3rd Year students, will take part in the contest. The event is adapted from the successful Easons Spelling Bee concept at primary school level in association with the Ryan Tubridy Radio 1 show.
The above students have won through class heats to reach the final of the inaugural Coláiste Oiriall Spelling Bee, which will be held in the Garage Theatre at 1.30 pm on Monday, 31st March: Laura Ní Dhroma, Jamie Mac Cearain, Inza Nic Canna, Alison Nic Giolla Bhríde, Dylan Mac Gabhann, Oisin de Paor, Katie Ní Chléire, Aoife Ní Dhufaigh, Jake Mac Giolla Bhríde, Tiarnán Ó Roideáin, Tara Nic Giolal Seanáin, Dylan ó Dufaigh, Caolán Ó Máirtín, Colm Ó Ruanaidh agus na Múinteoiri Aoife Nic Liam agus Gráinne Ní Cheallaigh
Seo a leanas na daltaí a bheas ag glacadh páirt sa chraobh: Laura Ní Dhroma, Jamie Mac Cearain, Inza Nic Canna, Alison Nic Giolla Bhríde, Dylan Mac Gabhann, Oisin de Paor, Katie Ní Chléire, Aoife Ní Dhufaigh, Jake Mac Giolla Bhríde, Tiarnán Ó Roideáin, Tara Nic Giolal Seanáin, Dylan ó Dufaigh, Colm Ó Ruanaidh agus Caolán Ó Máirtín. Bhuaigh an 15 dalta fríd bhabhtaí ranga cheana féin. Parents of the fifteen finalists will be invited to the event.
Each speller may select an EASY word, a MEDIUM word or a HARD word. An EASY word correctly spelt is worth one point, a MEDIUM word correctly spelt is worth three points and a HARD word correctly spelt is worth five points.
The pronouncer announces the word to be spelled. Before the speller begins to spell they may ask the pronouncer to use the word in a sentence and for a word in the HARD category may also ask for the dictionary definition. When the speller is sure that they understand the word, they must say the word themselves to confirm the pronunciation and then they spell it. Spellers must spell the words orally and the use of pens/pencils and paper will not be permitted. If a word is spelt incorrectly the pronouncer then gives the correct spelling of that word. The pronouncer reads a new word to the next speller.
A speller is allowed to stop at any point during the spelling process and begin again from the beginning. However, he/she is not allowed to change any letters that they began with before the point at which he/she stopped. If every letter in the process is not the same as it was before he/she stopped, the speller will receive no points.
The team with the lowest points’ total after the fourth round will be eliminated as the Spelling Bee becomes a knockout. After the fifth and sixth round of spellings a second team and third team will be eliminated respectively. The seventh round of spellings will determine the outcome of the competition and the winning team. Again a tie-breaker may be necessary.
The overall individual Spelling Bee will be the speller who has accumulated the highest points’ score throughout the contest. Prizes will be awarded to the winning team and the individual Spelling Bee champion.