Cnoc an Chonnaidh, Muineachán, H18 W897

+353 (0) 47 72344

Bhronn an Sár-Oirmhinneach Dr. Liam Mac Daibhéid, Easpag Chlochair Gradam Ór an Phápa Eoin Pól 11 ar cheathrar dalta as Colíaste Oiriall ag searmanas in Ostán an Slieve Russel, Baile Uí Chonaill oíche Aoine seo chuaigh thart.


Gradam Eoin Pól 11


Bhí siad imeasc 14 óganach as an pharóiste agus 160 ar fud na deoise ar bronnadh gradaim orthu. Cuireadh na gradaim ar bun mar chuimhne cuí ar an Phápa Eoin Pól 11 a raibh grá mór aige do dhaoine óga agus an-mheas aige orthu agus a chuir seo in iúl nuair a thug sé cuairt ar Éirinn siar sa bhliain 1979.

Four Coláiste Oiriall students were the recipients of the Gold John Paul 11 Award at a ceremony in the Slieve Russell Hotel, Ballyconnell on Friday night. They were four out of fourteen recipients from the Monaghan and Rockwallace parish. The Awards were presented by Most Rev. Liam McDaid, Bishop of Clogher.

The recipients were Dervla Fowler, Danielle Ní Chléire, Donal Ó Duibhne and Helen Nic Cionnaith. To partially fulfil the criteria for the award Dervla joined the choir and regularly played music for the residents of Drumbear Nursing Home, Danielle helped to run the Sunday School during 10.30 am Mass during Lent aimed at young children and also became a leader with the Beavers, Donal read at Sunday Mass in St. Joseph’s and helped in the Arch club and Helen helped at the Sunday school and worked in St. Vincent’s charity shop in Park Street. They award recipients also presented a written project which was a personal reflection and evaluation on the activities carried out for the Award.

Guest speaker on the night was Ryan Cinnamond. In 2010 aged 15 Ryan collapsed at his home in Newry, was brought to the Daisy Hill Hospital, discovered that he had a life threatening aneurysm, was transferred to a Belfast Hospital, parents were told that he had a 10% chance of survival, had many major surgeries including the amputation of his two legs at the knees. Raymond’s will to live is extraordinary. His Christian faith has been deepened by the love and support shown to him by his friends and family throughout his daunting trauma.

Bishop McDaid complimented Mr. Cinnamond on his courage and his telling of his incredible story. He complimented the recipients of the awards and encouraged them not to be content with what they have already achieved but to lift their sails and strive for even greater objectives.

This Award has been created to commemorate the late Pope John Paul II who had a great love for young people. When John Paul visited Galway in 1979 he said to the Young people of Ireland, ‘I believe in Youth’.  It was with this sentiment that the Award was initiated.

Through the Award, young people in the Diocese of Clogher are enabled to take an active part in the life of their Church, in the life of their community and society.  It helps participants become aware of the teaching and role of the Catholic Church in the world and it allows young people to understand that religion and faith is not just for learning, nor is it a list of rules, but that it is for living. The Award is non-competitive, flexible and voluntary and requires an ongoing commitment

Bhí caint Ryan Cinnamond an-spreagúil ar fad. Bhí sé i mbéal an bháis, d’fhulaing sé an t-uafás, chuaigh sé faoi scian roinnt uaireanta ach tháinig sé amach ar an taobh eile agus é lán de bhrí agus de dhochas. Cuireann Ryan an-bhéim ar thábhacht a chreidimh agus ar an dóigh a neartaíodh é le linn an trama millteanach a bhain dó. Dúirt sé go mbíonn iomra diúltach amuigh ar an aos óg go minic ach nach bhfaca sé ach an taobh dearfach, fiúntach, flaithiúil, críostiúil de na daoine óga thart air agus é ag iarrraidh dul i ngleic leis an tinneas fíanta a tharla dó.





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Cnoc an Chonnaidh, Muineachán, H18 W897  +353-(0) 47 72344