Cnoc an Chonnaidh, Muineachán, H18 W897

+353 (0) 47 72344

Beidh Ciarán Mac Cionna, dalta Ardteiste i gColáiste Oiriall, ag taisteal go Zambia ar feadh míosa le linn an tsamhraidh, áit a mbeidh sé ag obair go deonach i ndílleachtlann faoi scath na heagraíochta SERVE i gcuideachta deichniúr ógánach eile as Éirinn.



Tá an ghruaig ag imeacht go gasta!Tá an ghruaig ag imeacht go gasta!

Chruinnigh sé €1,000 le gairid óna chuid comhscoláirí nuair a bhearr sé a chloigeann ag am lóin mhóir sa Seomra Caidrimh os comhair phobal na scoile. Chuaigh deirfiúr Chiaráin, Sarah, go Brazil i Meiriceá Theas ar a mhacasamhail de thógra roinnt blianta ó shin. Guíonn muid gach ádh air.

Coláiste Oiriall Leaving Certificate student, Ciaran Mac Cionna, has just raised €1,000 by fundraising among his peers in the school. This will help him defray his transport costs as he selflessly travels to Zambia for the month of July to work in an orphanage and in HIV clinics under the auspices of SERVE.

Ciarán had allowed his hair to grow quite long and fellow student, Máire Ní Fhearghais, shaved his hair publicly during lunchtime in the Common Room in front of the school population. Ciarán is son of Micheal and Pauline Mc Kenna, Tydavnet and a few years ago, his sister, Sarah, travelled to Brazil, also under the auspices of SERVE to take part in a house building programme.

 SERVE is a development and volunteering organisation committed to tackling poverty in the majority world.  They work in partnership with marginalised and oppressed communities, helping them to tackle the root causes of poverty and injustice.  SERVE focuses specifically on programmes and projects that help communities enhance the lives of children and young people. Our priority countries include: South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, India, Philippines, Brazil, Thailand and Haiti. SERVE works with the poorest people in the world, contributes a budget of over €1 million each year, assigns up to 90 volunteers per year and supports programmes that help transform the lives of some of the poorest communities in the world.

 Ciarán would like to take this opportunity to thanks his fellow students in Coláiste Oiriall for being so generous and supporting his venture. Although nobody else from Monaghan will travel to Zambia, he will be accompanied by ten other students from throughout Ireland on this exciting and worthwhile trip.

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Cnoc an Chonnaidh, Muineachán, H18 W897  +353-(0) 47 72344