Two Coláiste Oiriall Transition Year students, Aisling Ní Fhearghais and Charlotte Ní Giolla Chomhail, accompanied by their Science teacher, Múinteoir Blaithin Ní Mhathúna are taking part in the BT Young Scientist competition in the RDS this week.
Through their project entitled “Rátaí ailse chraicinn a laghdú trí fheachtas eolais” or “Red to Dead!” the girls have surveyed people’s attitudes on exposing their bodies to the sun, suntans and the use of sunbeds and were shocked to discover that many people will prioritise a tan but are oblivion to the dangers from skin cancer. Judging the exhibits is taking place today and tomorrow and the results will be announced tomorrow evening. The exhibition will continue until Saturday evening.
Guíonn muid ádh mór ar an bheirt dalta sa chomórtas. Chuaigh said go Baile Átha Cliath maidin inné, áit a fhanfaidh siad go dtí an Satharn. Gabhann muid buíochas leis an Mhúinteoir Blaithin a threoraigh an tionscadal agus atá a dtionlacan go dtí an comórtas. Bíonn ar a laghad grúpa amháin ó Choláiste Oiriall páirteach san Eolaí Óg gach bliain