Cnoc an Chonnaidh, Muineachán, H18 W897

+353 (0) 47 72344

The Translation Directorate General of the European of the European Commission together with the Department of Culture, Heritage and Gaeltacht have just announced Alison Nic Giolla Bhríde,

a Leaving Certificate student in Coláiste Oiriall, as a national winner in the ‘best translation from a language other than English to Irish’ in the inaugural Aistritheoirí Óga/Young Translators’ Competition.
The competition, which was open to Gaeltacht post-primary schools and Gaelcholáistí, was held on an appointed day in December in individual schools under examination conditions. Candidates choose to translate two texts, one from English to Irish and the other from a language other than English to Irish. Alternatively, they could choose one of the above tests only. Each original text was almost one A4 printed page in length. The texts were emailed to school the day of the competition the day of the competition and applicants were given 1 ½ hour for each assignment. The entries were assessed by professional translators in the European Commission Translation Directorate General.
D’fhógair Ard Stiúrthóireacht Aistriúcháin an Choimisiúim Eorpaigh agus an Roinn Culúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta torthaí an chomórtais Aistritheoirí Óga ag tús na seachtaine agus bronnadh an gradam náisiúnta don aistriúchán is fearr a rinneadh ó theaga seachas an Béarla go Gaeilge ar Alison Nic Giolla Bhríde, scoláire Ardteiste i gColáiste Oiriall.
Reáchtáladh an comórtas sa scoil féin maidin amháin i mí na Nollag. I dtriail amháin rinne na hiarrthóirí aistriúchán ó Bhéarla go Gaeilge agus i dtriail amháin rinne siad aistriúchán ó theanga eile seachas Béarla go Gaeilge.Cuireadh na buntéacsanna chuig an scoil fríd ríomhphost lá an chomórtais agus ba é ‘Daoine Óga ag cuidiú leis an Eoraip’ an téama a bhí sna téacsanna.
‘Daoine Óga ag cuidiú leis an Eoraip’ (Young People helping Europe) was the broad theme of the translation texts. Students from Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne, Dingle, Scoil Chuimsitheach Chiaráin, Carraroe, Coláiste Íosagáin, Baile Átha Cliath and Coláiste Feirste were the Munster, Connacht, Leinster and Ulster provincial winners respectively from English to Irish.
Alison and her teacher, Múinteoir Olivia Nic Canainn, will be invited to a presentation ceremony in the Dublin headquarters of the European Commission shortly where she will receive a Samsung tablet and a cash prize.

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Cnoc an Chonnaidh, Muineachán, H18 W897  +353-(0) 47 72344