Excellent Leaving Certificate Results

Coláiste Oiriall congratulates the 51 students in the class of 2021 who received very impressive Leaving Certificate results last Friday.
Is í Amy Innealtóir Óg na Bliana 2020

Is í Amy Ní Dhaighre Innealtóir: Barry Convey, chairperson of the ETTA (Engineering Technology Teachers’ Association) and Summerhill College, Sligo presented
Coláiste Oiriall unveil new wall mural

Nochtaigh Coláiste Oiriall múrmhaisiú níos luaithe an tseachtain seo chugainn ag ceiliúradh pearsantachtaí móra Mhuineacháin sa spórt, polaitíocht,
Buaiteoirí sa chomórtas YSI

Zara King, Virgin Media News announced TY project Tasc na Masc as winners of the new Innovative Response to Covid-19 Award in the Young Social Innovators at a virtual
Aaron Ó Gamhna named as Student of the Year

Aaron Ó Gamhna received the much-coveted Coláiste Oiriall Student of the Year award at a brief outdoor ceremony on the Leaving Cert. last day in school.
OBITUARY Muid croíbhriste agus Ár gCara, Maitiú imithe uainn róluath.

Ba chúis mhór aiféala do Choláiste Oiriall an scéal a tháinig chugainn i lár na hoíche Mháirt seo chuaigh thart bhfuair ár gcara,