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Gaelcholáiste Lú visits Coláiste Oiriall

Last week Coláiste Oiriall hosted some special visitors when 22 first year students from Gaelcholáiste Lú, Dundalk visited the school accompanied by two of their teachers. The school was established last year with a first year intake only.
Coláiste Oiriall Girls’ Under 14 defeat Ballymahon to reach All-Ireland final

Coláiste Oiriall Under 14 Girls Basketball team entered the record books with a typically sublime performance to defeat Mercy Convent, Ballymahon in the National Basketball Arena, Tallaght to book themselves a place in the first ever Under 14 Schools Cup competition.
Coláiste Oiriall Bursaries Recipients Announced

The recipients of Sparánachtaí Oiriall or bursaries for newly registered students in Coláiste Oiriall have just been announced. This is the inaugural year of the scheme and the recipients are: Luke Mac Giolla Chomhaill, Corcaghan N.S., Rebecca Ní Chléirigh, Gaelscoil Lorgan, Castleblayney, Lorna Nic Cionna, Urbleshanny N.S., Ryan Ó Murchú, Corracrin N.S. and Lara Ó Máirtín, Gaelscoil Ultain, Monaghan.
Turas chun na Gearmáine – Germany tour

Students have arrived safely in Germany, half an hour late leaving Dublin airport. Had lunch, now on tour of central Berlin – visiting Branderburg Gate, the Wall and other attractions. Going by coach to accomadation later and dinner there, visiting Television Tower tonight
Turas chun na Gearmáine – Germany tour

After a good night’s sleep and a hearty breaksfast the students have left for the Olympic Stadium were the Olympic Games were held just before the second World War. In the afternoon on to a Concentration Camp that housed 60,000 prisoners during the war.
Turas chun na Gearmáine

Good Day from Berlin. Students after having lunch. Bear in mind Germany is an hour ahead of Monaghan! Enjoyed Olympic Stadium this morning, now at the Concentration Camp. They have learnt all about this in history. Everybody relaxed and rested after the marathon first day. A nice group pic above taken outside the Olympic Stadium this morning.
Turas chun na Gearmáine

Back here in Berlin, students back in accommodation from the Concentration Camp – very, very sad but informative and really brings history to life. Everybody wondering about their evening meal. Yesterday soup, stew, chilli, salad bowl. And talking about bowls, bowling later on. Teachers are pretending to enjoy themselves as well. Talk later. Wish you were here.
Turas chun na Gearmáine

Afternoon from Berlin. A really, really enjoyable day. My tropical Islands had a fantastic range of attractions – chilling out on the beach by the Tropical Sea, admiring the exotic architecture of the Tropical Village, enjoying the pure adrenalin rush of the water slides, emulating famous tropical explorers on the Rainforest Tour the largest free-standing hall in the world.
Na grianghraif dheireanacha ó thuras na Gearmáine

All 39 students returned home late last night from Germany. Bhí am ar dóigh acu! Yesterday they packed in a visit to Checkpoint Charlie and the Berlin Wall and a river cruise before heading for the airport. Iad ag caint cheana féin ar an chéad turas eile.
Coláiste Oiriall student gets 2nd Overall in SciFest

Aoibhín Ní Fhionnagáin, a second year student in Coláiste Oiriall, achieved overall runner up at this year’s Scifest North East region, held in Dundalk Institute of Technology on the 7th of May. Her Science project entitled “Lámhscríbhneoireacht dochtúirí i gcomparáid le scríobh daoine eile” focused on the general perception that a doctor’s writing is illegible in comparison to a layperson’s.
Lá Spóirt ag Coláiste Oiriall

Ni raibh mórán staidéir déanta i gColáiste Oiriall ar an Mháirt mar chaith idir dhaltaí agus múinteoirí an lá uilig sa pháirc peile ag an lá spóirt – an chéad lá spóirt ar Bhr. Ard Mhacha agus an chéad cheann a bhí again le fada ar chúis amháin nó ar chúis eile. Chuir na múinteoir Corpoideachais réimse leathan imeachtaí ar fail agus lean sé ar aghaidh god tí am baile ag 3.30.
Tomás de Búrca Mac Léinn na Bliana Choláiste Oiriall 2014

Tomás de Búrca received the ultimate accolade at a last Friday’s Tionól Scoile (School Assembly) when he received the much coveted Coláiste Oiriall Student of the Year award. Tomás is son of Dr. Kieran and Claire Bourke, Mullaghdun, Monaghan town. He received his primary school education in Gaelscoil Ultain. He has one brother, James, who is in 3rd Year.
Junior Sheild agus Senior Shield bainte ag Coláiste Oiriall ag Lá Spóirt an Chontae

Coláiste Oiriall won both the junior and senior Sheilds at the County Sports Day which was held in the grounds of Beech Hill College last Friday. They also clinched three of the seven double golds. A double gold is awarded to an athlete who has won both of his or her races. While Coláiste Oiriall has won the junior shield on a number of occasions the senior shield alluded them until this year.
Big contribution from Coláiste Oiriall players in Ulster Ladies Under 16B Final

Monaghan proved much too strong for Down as they claimed the Ulster U16B title in windy Carrickcruppen on Saturday afternoon. The Monaghan team included six Coláiste Oiriall stalwarts namely Emma Ní Chleircín, Celine Ní Fhailigh, Aisling Ní Fhearghais, Lynda Nic Giolla Mhichil, Amy Ní Amaill agus Hannah Ní Sceacháin.
Bronnadh Duaiseanna Choláiste Oiriall 2014 in Amharclann an Gharáiste

A capacity audience recognised talent, effort and ability at the Coláiste Oiriall Prize Giving Ceremony which was held in the Garage Theatre on Tuesday week last. A plethora of medals, certificates and trophies were awarded to students to re-affirm them in good practice.
Coláiste Oiriall student on Irish Mounted Games team in England

Marie Louise Nic Aodha, a first year student in Coláiste Oiriall, is representing Ireland at the Royal Bath and West Show in England this week. Rinne sí ionadaíocht ar shon na hÉireann i gCraobhacha na hEorpa faoi 12 anuraidh. Earlier in the year she qualified for a place on the Irish Pony Club Mounted Games Team as a result of her performance on her pony Molly.
Coláiste Oiriall’s Amy Ní Amaill is All-Ireland Champion

Is curadh UileÉireann í Amy Ní Amaill, dalta Idirbhliana i gColáiste Oiriall, tar éis dí an rás Idirmheánach 1,500 méadar i gCraobhacha Raoin is Faiche Scoileanna Uile-Éireann AVIVA a bhaint i Staid Harriers an Tulaigh Mhóir i 4:32:59 agus sáriarracht phearsanta nua leagtha amach aici dí féin.
Daltaí Choláiste Oiriall i gColáiste Gaeilge Rann na Feirste

Faoi láthair tá 15 dalta ó Choláiste Oiriall ag freastal ar Choláiste Samhraidh i Rann na Feirste i gcroílár Ghaeltacht Dhún na nGall. Maireann an cúrsa trí sheachtain agus beidh na daltaí ag pilleadh abhaile ar an Mháirt seo chugainn. Tá go leor cairde nua déanta acu imeasc an 290 dalta as gach cearn atá ag freastal ar an chúrsa.
Déanann Coláiste Oiriall comhghairdeas le Amy Ní Amaill – Curadh na hÉireann faoi thrí

Déanann Coláiste Oiriall comhghairdeas ó chroí le Amy Ní Amaill, a member of the Glaslough Harriers AC, who won the Girls Under 17 800 m at the Juvenile Track and Field Championships in Tullamore on Saturday. She ran a time of 2:12:11, beating the Irish record by 3 seconds. On the following day Amy won the 1,500 m at the same meet in a time of 4:39:63 and is now double All-Ireland champion.
An impressive 28% of Coláiste Oiriall students receive 500 points or more

28% of the Coláiste Oiriall Leaving Certificate class received 500 CAO points or more in comparison to the national average of 10%. 67% of the Coláiste Oiriall Leaving Certificate class received more than 400 CAO points in comparison to the national average of 33%. Results in all subjects in the school are above the national averages.