Cnoc an Chonnaidh, Muineachán, H18 W897

+353 (0) 47 72344

Bhí tús iontach gnóthach againn leis an scoilbhliain úr 2024-25. 1 st Year students travelled to Cavan Adventure Centre for their annual tour 

We salute the class of 2024 who received outstanding Leaving Certificate results at the end of August.

Uile-Réalta bainte ag Éabha

Éabha Ní Shearraigh was awarded a LGFA Post Primary School All-Star at a banquet in Kelly’s Inn, Garvaghy in February 2024.

Ghlac an fhoireann sinsir díospóireachta páirt i gCraobh na hÉireann de Chomórtas Uí Chadhain Gael-Linn in Óstán Chúirt Thulach Mhóir, Co. Uibh Fhailí.

Sparánacht mhór bainte ag Aoibhinn

Bhronn Cathnia Ó Muircheartaigh, cathaoirleach Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta & Gaelscolaíochta,

Coláiste Oiriall celebrated CMETB Ethos Day in March. We presented 15 students with certificates that recognised their significant portrayal of the five 

Déanann muid comhghairdeas le Ella Ní Thréinfhir, scoláire Idirbhliana, a roghnaíodh le bheith mar dhuine de tríocha rannpháirtí i nDúshlán Eachtraíochta Fhórsa Cosanta Gaisce a bheas ar siúl búnus seachtaine ag tús mhí Meithimh. 

Coláiste Oiriall wishes to congratulate Ella Ní Thréinfhir who has been selected as one of thirty students nationwide to participate in the Gaisce Defence Forces Adventure Challenge. The participants will be under the supervision of the 2nd Brigade Artillery Regiment of the Defence Forces. The event will take place from Tuesday 11th – Friday 14th  June inclusively.  

The Defence Forces Adventure Challenge is a demanding three-day outdoor event that includes a 25km walk, mountain climbing, map and compass work, cross-country walking, water activities, cooking, and overnight camping stays. Wishing her all the best.

Beidh trean le déanamh a Ella le linn an trí lá idir siúlóidí 25km, obair chopáis agus léarscáile, cócaireacht, síúl tras-tíre, sléibhteóireacht, gníomhaíochtaí uisce agus campáil. Tá súil aici go mbeidh am ar dóigh ag Ella.

This is a specially designed challenging programme devised by the Defence Forces. Ella and the thirty other Gaisce Award participants from all over Ireland will be issued with army gear on Tuesday, 11th June and they will embark on an unforgettable adventure.


Comhghairdeas le Ellie Ní Mháthúna, rang Cárthach na hIdirbhliana. 

As part of a three year project, eight Transition Year students and two teachers from Coláiste Oiriall spent five days in San Sebastian.

Oiriall Twitter

Cnoc an Chonnaidh, Muineachán, H18 W897  +353-(0) 47 72344