Níor scóráil Man Utd!

Thirty junior students from Coláiste Oiriall travelled to Old Trafford on Saturday to see Man. Utd play out a scoreless draw with West Brom.
Grainne Duffy i mbun Ceoil

Grainne Duffy, Paul Sherry and Coláiste Oiriall musicians during an impromptu session which was the culmination of the day’s workshops in vocals and string instruments.
Success in Triathlon

Ghlac luthchleasaithe , snámhaithe agus rothaithe as Coláiste Oiriall pairt i dTrí-atlan na Scoileanna a bhi ar siúl i mbaile Mhuineacháin Deardaoin. Chuaigh Eoghan Ó Cianáin, Conal Ó
Cluichí Oilimpeacha Speisialta

D’oibrigh Ellen Ní Bhriain, iar-scolaire de chuid Choláiste Oiriall, go deonach ag Cluichí Oilimpeacha Speisialta Geimhridh na bliaina seo san Ostair. Ba mhaith léi aird a tharraingt ar
Pedal Day of Action

Mar chuid den iarratas don darna brat glas, d’eagraidh an Coiste Glas “Lá Gníomhaíochta na dTroitheán” (Pedal Day of Action). Chuir siad fáilte roimh Gavin Harte ón Ionad Oiliúna um Fhorbairt Inbhunaithe
Peann agus Pár Results

The following are the results of the 2016-17 Peann agus Pár Literary Competition held in Coláiste Oiriall before Easter. The adjudicators were impressed with the standard of entries in all sections. Two sections of the competition were devoted to English medium entries and a further two sections were devoted to Irish medium entries.
Scoláireachtaí Gaeltachta fógraithe

Comhghairdeas leis na daltaí seo a leanas a bheas ag caitheamh tréimhse i gColáiste Samhraidh Gaeltachta i mbliana ag cur snas ar a gcuid Gaeilge labhartha. They will live with an Irish speaking family, attend
Stagewise Scholarships Presented

Coláiste Oiriall continues its association with Stagewise and the promotion of the arts in the school with the awarding of four scholarships to attend this year’s residential drama school in the King’s Hospital School
University Summer Schools’ Mini-Bursaries

Múinteoir Donna Ní Ghallchobhair congratulates Tara Nic Giolla Seanáin agus Roisin Ní Amaill who received mini-bursaries to partake in summer schools in a university for a week’s duration.
Hazel clinches Regional Poster Award

Coláiste Oiriall student, Hazel Ní Bheacháin, was among the winners of the ‘Green-Schools Ireland 2040 – Our Plan’ National Poster Competition. She was the North West Post primary schools’ winner and she was presented with her prize by Minister Simon Coveney at an Awards Ceremony at the Custom House in Dublin last week. Hazel was accompanied by her mother and her teacher to the event.
DCU presents Amy with Sports Scholarship

Amy Ní Amaill, Glaslough Harriers and former student in Coláiste Oiriall, was formally presented with her Athletics Sports Scholarship in DCU recently. The presentation was made by Enda Fitzpatrick, Director of DCU Athletics Academy. Michael Kennedy, Director of DCU Gaelic Games Academy,
Gradam Mhac Léinn na Bliana ag Cathal de Paor

Cathal de Paor received the ultimate accolade at Monday’s Tionól Scoile (School Assembly) when he received the much coveted Coláiste Oiriall Student of the Year award. Cathal received his primary school education in Gaelscoil Ultain.
Bronnadh Duaiseanna Choláiste Oiriall 2017

A capacity audience recognised talent, effort and ability at the annual Coláiste Oiriall Prize Giving Ceremony which was held in the Garage Theatre last Wednesday. A plethora of medals, certificates and trophies were awarded to students to re-affirm them in good practice.
Gradaim Idirbhliana 2017 Fógraithe

Tara Ní Bhroin is Coláiste Oiriall TY Student of the Year. She received her award at a ceremony in the school last Wednesday while Dervla Ní Threasaigh received the Spirit of Transition Year award at the same ceremony.
Scoláirí Choláiste Oiriall i Rann na Feirste

Tá roinnt scoláirí ó Choláiste Oiriall mar chuid den 350 scoláire atá ag freastal ar chúrsaí Gaeilge i gColáiste Bhríde, Rann na Feirste, Co. Dhún na nGall faoi láthair. A group of Coláiste Oiriall students are among 350 students who started a course in Rannafast Gaeltacht in North West Donegal last Sunday.
Torthaí Ardteiste ar fheabhas ar fad

Déanann muid comhghairdeas leis na scoláirí uilig a fuair torthaí ar dóigh Dé Céadaoin seo chuaigh thart agus a bhí an-sásta leis na tairiscintí CAO uilig a fuair siad ar an Luan. Beidh iardhaltaí Choláiste Oiriall scaipithe thart ar gach ollscoil agus institiuidí eile tríú leibhéal ar fud na tíre agus guíonn muid ádh mór orthu.
Coláiste Oiriall ranked Number One in Ulster

Coláiste Oiriall has been ranked number one school in Ulster by The Sunday Times for student progression to universities based on data from 30 third level institutions over the last three academic years.
Scoil Nua, Tús Nua do Scoláirí Chéad Bhliana

Na scoláirí i ranganna Ultain, Una agus Ursula a thosaigh a gcuid meánscolaíochta i gColáiste Oiriall an tseachtain seo. Ní amháin go bhfuil scoláirí ann a d’fhreastail ar Ghaelscoil Ultain, Scoil Rois, Gaelscoil Lorgan
TY Cuiditheoirí selected in Coláiste Oiriall

Thirty-two students from Transition Year in Coláiste Oirial who applied and were selected as Assistants (Cuiditheoirí) for the 2017-18 school year. There are three areas to an Assistant’s duties: referring and
Fáilte roimh mhúinteoirí nua

Cuireann Coláiste Oiriall fáilte roimh mhúinteoirí nua. We extend a welcome to the following new teachers in Coláiste Oiriall. Ó chlé: Conchúr Ó Fiacháin (Business), Sinéad Ní Chearbhaill (Geography),